June 27th
Sunday 3.00pm. I’ve just returned to read my last message blog, to see when I actually had to stop writing a further message blog. The date said May 26 th. It seems longer. I felt I had to give all my time with Elena, my friend in Banska Bystrica, to complete an important book we had been writing together since mid January of this year. Now finished we await the next step. On my last message blog I’d wrote about Dominic Cummings, the Prime Minister’s advisor, as he had just been questioned by a group of MPs about his accusations of the chaos in Boris‘s government. He had called Boris unfit for office, and the Health Secretary Matt Hancock Cummings said, should have been fired 20 times for lying and gross incompetence. Now one month later, we see the U.K.s once great ship being marooned and beyond repair until a new Captain and totally new crew are found. All Dominic Cumming’s accusations would appear to be now true, with the latest revelations of seeing further lies unfold about Matt Hancock.
Boris, on Friday June 25 th, defended Hancock’s latest hypocritical stand of issuing orders to the public, only to see he’s been breaking everyone and more. The news papers are full of our appalling state of affairs, but top of the list is our useless so called leader who can never lead by example.
Just 24 hrs later on Saturday after Boris said the matter was closed defending Hancock, our Health Minister decided himself after a great public outcry to fall on his sword and resign. Then he decides to leave his wife and family. A month away from voicing my opinions of this shambolic government was a welcome relief for me. Now again all that I’ve said in the last eighteen months which was not hindsight, but showing a new constructive way forward appears yet again I’ve proved to be right. On top of this ship wreck news, some sensitive serious defence documents, illustrating our proposals of being in Afghanistan, and details of one of battleships was found at a bus stop in the rain by someone passing by. One could only believe we are watching what was once called in the 1950s and 60s A WhiteHall Farce, which was a long running comic theatre show in London. Dominic Cummings comment of Sajid Javid the new Health Secretary who resigned from Johnson’s government eighteen months ago, called him another Bog Standard Politician who created a previous mess while in office. This Farce if you love your country, and see the storms ahead, can only see you sigh, and hope a mutiny begins to remove this inept, buffoon Prime Minister which polls and half the country call him. We have witnessed facts about the procurement process with the corona virus brushed yet again under the carpet, and no one is held accountable for the billions of pounds that have been wasted.

Another heart breaking story for me is to hear of the thousands of Canada’s indigenous children, who were forced from their families between 1863 until 1998. 150,000 children were forcibly removed to residential boarding schools where they were forced buy nuns and priests by rubbing their faces in urine and having soap put in their mouths if they were heard using their language. They were beaten, sexually abused, and now 751 children’s bodies are found in unmarked graves at one school in Saskatchewan in Canada. A few weeks earlier another 251 children were found in unmarked graves at another residential school in British Columbia. It is estimated over 6,000 children died in such dire circumstances, as these children were taught they had no souls, and learnt not to like who they were. They were housed in squalid health conditions with lack of heating and insanitary facilities. The Canadian Government of the day funded such schools, but 70 percent of these schools were run until 1998 by the Catholic Church. The Canadian Prime Minister Justine Trudeau has apologised for that conduct of their government over the years. The Catholic Church has not yet issued any statement.

This story was repeated by the Catholic Church in Ireland with young Irish girls until the late eighties who found themselves pregnant. Cruelty, and sexual abuse by nuns and priests has occurred throughout the many centuries on a large scale, accompanied by pedophilia within the Catholic Church. One only has to read what Columbus and the Catholic Church who took part on large scale genocides in South America. Such actions against children has taken place in other church denominations, but not on the scale of the Catholic Church.
I’ve mentioned before I tried to seek an audience with Pope Benedict and Pope Francis four times between the years 2012 and 2014, bringing a message from Pope John Paul. A painting of mine showing over 500 children stood as I daily painted in a Shopping Mall in Banská Bystrica where Nuns would frequently pass, but with heads bowed. Never once did these Nuns stop to look or even acknowledge the unloved and disadvantaged children around the world I painted. Jesus said all children are sacred angels to be loved. In my book I wrote in 2017 a prophecy was made about the Catholic Church. Unless a Pope apologised for the known abuse of children throughout the many centuries, the Catholic Church would collapse within the next 25 years.

I have only two more Message blogs to write. Since 2018, I’ve written what will be three times 77 message blogs and all will be eventually published, as I believe so many of the answers we seek are within these pages. Change of direction is more than ever now necessary.