March 18th
Wednesday morning at 10.40 am. By listening to the news of the Coronavirus Pandemic, and hearing stories and seeing panic buying, events appear to be in control in the U.K. and not politicians. Firm and strong leadership are still the criteria needed in any crisis, but when the Prime Minister is solely listening to certain nominated scientists, confusion abounds. Throughout history when in wars, a great leader takes the final decision even if many oppose his views. I heard the news earlier that food supplied to this country is not a problem, when one hour later my daughter had sent a large delivery of food from Asda, one of the largest supermarkets in the U.K. The driver said I was lucky as my daughter put an order in a week ago. He also said his large van is only half full, because now if you need anything from Asda you will not have deliveries, but you will select food online, then fetch it yourself, and no one will be allowed to enter the store. I can only believe this is barmy, if you aren’t able to order online and don’t live near to the store, you will be unable to shop at that particular store. This now contradicts messages given only hours before, and this reaction tells its own story that the government's plans are not fully working. We should have gone on a war footing weeks ago regarding rationing, as we now see people panicking as some scramble for food as though there is none for tomorrow. We now see when control is not exerted, we watch unfortunately consequences of chaos to follow. The driver mentioned a large number of people with many children had been waiting outside the store from the early morning, then when all were allowed in, everyone including children all separately piled their trollies high with food. One adult past a credit card to children and for all grown-ups to pay for their goods. A fight ensued when staff tried to stop this blatant attempt to empty shelves denying others to purchase food in an orderly way. Police were called to stop this affray. Seeing such situations happen, it will soon see the army moving into city centres to restore calm. Again no firm leadership warning anyone caught purchasing more than can be allowed will receive a large fine and jail sentence. Many positives though are being made where scientists are all collaborating, regarding data and information around the world. One would hope and believe that each country now needs to cooperate much more on all issues, as the world must become one unit of thinking, but allowing every country to keep their cultural heritage, sovereignty and freedom to choose whatever religion they want. Bill Gates one of the founders to the Microsoft Corporation once said in 2015 after the Ebola decease, the world would not be destroyed by military means, but by an epidemic of an unknown decease. He went on to say we should be putting resources into this course of action not weapons of mass destruction.
In September of last year I mentioned in a blog whilst shaving, I found myself quickly picking a pen up, as I was being given a rhyme to write that coincided with a message or prophecy I’d been given to create a painting showing New York flooding in 2035. I want you to take note of the last line in this rhyme, remember it’s my belief these are not my words or even my thoughts but is channelled by one of my guides, or from a higher spiritual consciousness. The Rhyme: People of New York do not despair, this message comes with great love and care, for this is a painting that is not to bring fear, but to make everyone to be aware, as help and love are to be shared, FOR SOON A NEW WAY OF LIVING IS TO BE DECLARED. We are in such times now. I feel this is now showing a clear message to what we will eventually soon see. With prophecies they all begin with signs and tremors which was evident to The World Health Organisation known has (WHO) on December 31st. Reports were coming from China of a previously unknown virus behind many pneumonia cases in Wuhan City in Eastern China, with a population of eleven million. Now this virus has been detected in over 150 countries with Italy, Spain and Iran experiencing the widest spread outbreaks outside China. I’ve repeatedly said all my predictions have come true. I now feel I have good reason to believe that by describing all that we do in life is like a jigsaw, where each of us will see certain parts of our life forming a more coherent picture.This is a description of everything, I’ve used for most of my life, because with all my experiences I can now see with how the world is dramatically changing before our very eyes. I can see how this jigsaw is coming together showing me more clearly the answers I’ve been given, to bringing about great changes the world must make. It’s not about IF THIS HAPPENS, BUT WHEN ...
I could clearly say, I can see what will happen in many ways now, but because of the stress, worries and present anxieties people are naturally facing, it would not be the right time to start to disclose more. The cracks and signs have been there for years, just has the messages and visions I’ve been given going back to my school days, where I’ve mentioned a few of these future glimpses in previous blogs. I’ve said before when I’ve seen and heard clairvoyant messages, I’ve never revealed all the message, as this is a gift to help, and lift one's spirit, to bring a smile, comfort and more as the message comes from the spirit world which is fuelled by love. Only yesterday afternoon at about 4.15 pm I was reading and rechecking blog number 70, it is called A MOMENT IN TIME. It’s a powerful and profound story, almost I believe of biblical proportions about my friend Elena from Banska Bystrica which occurred in September 2019. A small part of the story eluded to my friend J... where my thoughts and prayer were sent to her, and at the same time she met my friend Elena in a Shopping Mall in Banska Bystrica. This is a friend then I’d never made contact with for a long time. Yesterday afternoon Tuesday the 17th I was so deeply into Elena’s story, I had this powerful feeling I was being given a message for my friend J... again not having seen or spoken to her for a long time. I’ve said before many times, I’m compelled to pass a message on when it’s given to me. I was given a time of 7 pm that night to send this message to her. Earlier after receiving the message I contacted my friend Elena to tell her of this message I was to send to J... Elena said she had been talking to J ...that very afternoon. This power of synchronicity scientists don’t have the answers to, but what was it saying to me. It’s another sign this powerful spiritual energy is active showing itself in many ways. As me and Elena compile this book of blogs it says to me, this book has a far greater meaning than either of us can presently see. This is the fourth book where I have spoken of this special gift I’ve been given. I’ve had to accept this message, I’ve received so many times ... IT'S ABOUT TIME AND THE RIGHT PLACE. So I have to believe this is a book that will reveal many answers people seek, again not all the answers, as another book will follow. Only when this present book has found its audience and the reader is ready to follow and understand what the message it is bringing will the right time and place appear. It’s the same for me, the spirit world cannot allow me to see all that is coming, it’s about taking the right steps we all need to take in life, AS THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS TO REACH THE PLACE YOU WANT TO BE. I’ve mentioned these ladies I’ve met in Banska Bystrica, they are all important to this bigger picture that will emerge. We are in times of great change, this is now a reality, again as I said in 2012 five important world figures could change this world for the better, but having contacted three several and more times they did not want to know. We see part of the consequences of their actions the world has been facing these past seven years. I don’t want people to face fear, as many are seeing hardships coming, there is though a silver lining behind this dark cloud and the human spirit has resilience where we can overcome many challenges. I pray our book can find the right literary agent to open this door that shows people seeing another side to life. CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE, and yet the world accepts, those 3.1 million children die each year from undernutrition. Every 15 seconds a child dies from hunger. Every 3 seconds a child dies as a result of extreme poverty. WE MUST SEE GREAT CHANGES OCCUR IN EVERY SPHERE OF THINKING, IN EVERY PART OF THIS HEAVENLY EARTH WE HAVE BEEN GIFTED TO LIVE.