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Writer's picture: Alan J PorterAlan J Porter

May 19 th

Beautiful thoughts can change the world, a positive state of mind will remind us that everything in life is not for free. But I believe, circumstances will improve, if we can see and find our dreams are believable and achievable, then we can feel as though we can fly to where we want to be.

I mentioned in my previous message blog the lockdown is seeing pubs and bars restaurants open, but I heard the majority of pubs will not be profitable, until there is vertical drinking. What does that mean? It means when people can walk in and stand with a drink near the bar or within a group. This cannot happen until June 21st in the U.K. I’m thinking and believing at this moment in time is everything we want to hear still part of an illusion. Yes it is, but everything is moving to a better place.

It mentioned today the subway was being opened in a phased way in New York, and Robert de Niro, a great New Yorker, was flying high with praise. That’s got to be the good feeling we want to hold although it’s still a bit of an illusion. It’s a feeling of a great time. Healing will slowly take place, as we accept this virus has not fully gone away.

It was Tuesday lunch time in our main high street, where some of the main shops have closed for good, it’s not the same feeling. It was easy counting the few people about, but with those fewer shops you could hear and feel the pain of OUCH ! as no shop can yet see a profit being made. I went to have my hair cut in the same place, I’ve used for a few years. I expected to wait as usual like others, who would wait their turn. A married couple ran their barbers shop, but the wife told me, she had been forced to find a new job the following week. She said, one day only three people came in, and this had never happened before. She believed many people through the last year had their hair cut at home. I too had been one, where I saw when visiting two of my daughters, they had both bought special hair clippers. The couple with the barbers shop I spoke of, had purchased a large house and worked from their home, so they did not have pay rent on their premises. Consequences, they said, will see many other barbers close. Better days to come, but the truth is not being fully reported.

I’m not casting a shadow, but changes will bring a new dawn, and politicians still have no clear view of where we will be in the next few months. Change of habits will occur, as shortage of money will force people to change their formers ways of spending. In the U.K. mixed messages by the government are contradicting each other, where one Minister says you can go on holiday, another advises not to go this year. Again, this is a wishful illusion by many politicians believing all will be alright if travel is free to go where you want. The U.K. has offered amber colours to a great many countries not to restrict people visiting their families abroad or if even if you own a property to rent. This opens another big door for thousands to travel at still uncertain times. It has been said some hotels and restaurants can’t get staff back. Then some say, if you have been furloughed for a year, the thought of hard work on your legs serving people until late hours in a restaurant is not now desired. More people have seen theirselves eating in their homes rather than thinking of going out for a meal. Many prefer friends visiting, sharing drinks and food and being more sociable in their homes and gardens.This activity is now more popular and preferable as restrictions forced such circumstances with many families. Until June 21st many restaurants, and hospitality sections will not fully open as they cannot be profitable, unless all virus restrictions are removed. A boom recovery is an illusion. it will be a slow road back, as many will not survive in these still trying times.

Changes showing hostility towards these brutal actions that still continue in Gaza. A poll showed a majority of young, between 18 and 24yrs of age, condemned Israel’s actions against Palestinians. A bigger message went around the world showing a young Jewish woman standing with a large crowd of protestors holding a placard saying,”MY GRAND PA, WHO ESCAPED DEATH IN AUSCHWITZ WOULD NOT WANT BOMBS DROPPED ON GAZA.” This is no illusion as this figure Benjamin Netanyahu has cast a dark shadow of even ever thinking of peace with Palestinians, let alone to think of them having a sovereign state. I believe, he will soon reap a whirlwind of opinion against him. Israel’s actions of not offering or GIVING hope of peace in the Middle East will return to harm them. He is a man who will take his country to a cliff edge to keep him in power.

Judgement is waiting for him, just as it’s been witnessed today with Donald Trump in New York, as several cases of criminal components are now in process of being actioned against him. One, that is being said is about his property company. He has been inflating his property valuations which his investors won’t like. Then he has been deflating the valuations when taxes are due. His chief accountant has been with him since father owned the property business, which might suggest this pattern of doing businesses has perhaps been going on for years. Investigations are commencing that may reveal secrets, or is being said, metaphorical bodies may be recovered that have been buried everywhere for years. The notorious mafia boss Al Capone could never be caught on the many crimes he was responsible for, but judgement came to him in an unlikely way. They convicted him with his taxes, he never paid. One might surmise this is waiting for Donald, or is there an unlikely scenario waiting for Benjamin too ? It’s been clear for along time if anyone voiced their support for Palestine they were accused of being anti Jewish.

Jeremy Corbyn the once U.K. opposition leader was actively smeared as anti Jewish, because of his deep held believes of the injustice over the last 70 yrs towards Palestinians. This sadly and wrongly, in my belief, has been used as a propaganda tool by Israel to preserve the present status-quo. How much more does Israel want to crush the lives and spirit of the Palestinians? I believe soon there will be a wave of support for Palestine that will make a platform, where Israel will learn how to give. The world knows how they had suffered with millions of deaths in the Holocaust. Now, it is Israel who is perpetuating harsh suffering against the Palestinians.

Once Israel had a visionary, a shy man as their Prime Minister. His name was Yitzhak Rabin. In 1993, he sealed the Oslo peace accord, by shaking hands on the White House lawns with Yasser Arafat. He delivered the ceremony’s most memorable line. “WE SAY TO YOU TODAY IN A LOUD AND CLEAR VOICE, ENOUGH OF BLOOD AND TEARS. ENOUGH. In 1995, he gave a speech at a peace rally in Tel AVIV in a square, where he was unsure whether many would appear in his support. Over 100,000 people turned up, and he urged the people to over come their fears saying, LET GO OF YOUR PAST, AND FINALLY FORGE AN ACCORD WITH THEIR NEIGHBOURS. The young were holding banners and dancing in a fountain, when a 25 yr old Jewish nationalist shoot him twice in his back, when getting into his car. This was one of the darkest moments in the state of Israel’s history.

Now this dark figure of Benjamin Netanyahu has been wrongly in power too long, encouraging the extreme views of never seeing peace with Palestine. It’s my belief, at this moment in time, the spirit of Yitzhak Rabin is with Jesus, and the prophet Mohammad looking down on this area. They can see the engulfing flames that are not receding yet with this continuing needless conflict that could engulf the world. A tide of change is unavoidable, and a new momentum of the young, who supported Yitzhak Rabin, will touch them again. Judgement day will see these dark shadows removed from instilling divide and hate within their countries. THIS THOUGH WILL NOT BE AN ILLUSION.Yitzhak Rabin

Now this dark figure of Benjamin Netanyahu has been wrongly in power too long, encouraging the extreme views of never seeing peace with Palestine. It’s my belief, at this moment in time, the spirit of Yitzhak Rabin is with Jesus, and the prophet Mohammad looking down on this area. They can see the engulfing flames that are not receding yet with this continuing needless conflict that could engulf the world. A tide of change is unavoidable, and a new momentum of the young, who supported Yitzhak Rabin, will touch them again. Judgement day will see these dark shadows removed from instilling divide and hate within their countries. THIS THOUGH WILL NOT BE AN ILLUSION.

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